Piece #653 – Sycamore, Crushed Stone, Metal Leaf – 15.75″ by 5″
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This big bowl started out as a huge sycamore tree standing next to Bumby Ave near Colonial Ave. in Orlando Fl. In 2017 Hurricane Irma came thru and blew this tree down accross Bumby Ave. I met up with the tree two days later. By then it had been moved over so traffic could pass. I spent the next two days with a friend from Factur sawing it up and carting it back to Factur. Three pick up truck loads to be exact.
I had to prepare this precious wood for preservation so it would not rot or crack. It took me two days of sawing, sealing and wraping to prepare the wood for curing. For the next two years it was stored in a dark, dry warehouse. One evening while watching TV my wife, Carolyn, said, “I want a really big bowl with a multicolored crushed stone inlay rim for my dinning room table.” So I got right onto it. The very next week I went to the warehouse and pulled this big bowl blank out of storage.